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Who Is Vanadium Nort LTD ?

Vanadium Nort LTD is a favored and trusted market place for an increasing number of oil and gas traders. This, however, is not without some exciting reasons. In today’s global oil markets, decisions about where, how and when to act are dynamic and need the best information to guide you to the best results. Vanadium North LTD helps you make these decisions by examining every aspect of the global oil market, including demand, inventories, refining, infrastructure and trade flows, helping to improve market transparency and your understanding of emerging trends.  It also provides clients with in-depth and independent analyses of worldwide crude and petroleum products markets, including fundamentals data, price forecasting, and insights into market developments and emerging trends. Whether you are selling, buying or trading crude or products, our global oil coverage provides commercially oriented analysis of supply/demand fundamentals and price movements — actual and forecast — across the globe.